Art of Message

Art of Message – June 12, 2023

Art of read-in

A “read-in” is jargon for the preparation a TV, radio, (or podcast) show host makes before having a guest on. The more they read-in on their guest, the better their questions and conversation – and the more they avoid over-asked questions. In short the better the show.

If the TV host does the read-in the day before the show..

– and the elite copywriters reads 7 times more material than he thinks he needs before writing a word

– and Teddy Roosevelt reads an entire book about each white house guest, before their stay

– and the strategy consultant organizes discovery interview topics into themes, cross-verifies them, SWOTs, gap-analyzes, problem-defines, and visualizes, before making a single recommendation

– and the chef performs an hour of mise-en-place chopping before turning on a single burner

– and the NBA player watches 3 hours of tape, before a playoff game

– and the hathic yogi warms joints, gently stretches, surya namaskars, pranayama-breathes, before assuming any asana postures.

If all that is true, what does automated, self-service product to do prepare for its user – before trying to help them?

Or is that work done by the time the product is released?
