Tell your story

Refine your message

Get new leads

Grow revenue

with Remap

Subscribe to growth consulting, copy and content on demand, or enroll in the strategic lead generation system.

A few of the 1000+ tech giants, B2B software companies, consulting firms, digital agencies, media companies, and tech startups that the founder has worked with

Remap subscriptions are based on these core benefits

  • dynamic_form

    Lightning-fast turnaround

    Instead of waiting for PMs, meetings, sign offs, processes, get go-live revisions in 1-2 days

  • format_letter_spacing_wider

    Strategic alignment

    From messaging to tech strategy to sales copy, it’s aligned to your strategic business goals

  • cognition

    Access to veteran strategist

    Work done by Remap owner, Rowan – B2B tech consultant, 2x founder, growth marketer

  • flex_wrap

    Simple request system

    Use Trello to manage requests; queue up many requests; invite anyone from your team

  • lock_reset

    Fixed monthly rate

    No surprise invoices; fixed monthly price – your rate is locked forever

  • flex_direction

    Flexible subscription

    Pause or cancel your subscription at any time. Auto-pause unused subscriptions

Our pricing is competitive, predictable, and flexible – pause or cancel anytime

The agency’s secret weapon
“Perfect sales copy and marketing content on-demand”
Click to view the scope of Remap on Demand
$3,000 per month
  • check Remap Growth Strategy included: get content, copy, and communications aligned with strategy
  • check On demand copywriting & editing: web copy, pitches, emails, ads, and more
  • check On demand content editing: articles, social posts, case studies, stories, and more
  • add remove Show all features Show fewer features
  • checkQuick-start: purchase and make your first request in minutes
  • checkLow-hassle: small time-cost to you (2-3 hours/week); use our Trello or just email us to make requests
  • checkFast turnaround: submit requests and get results in 2 days max
  • checkWhite label service: Resell our work and use for as many client projects as you want
  • starSubscriber sign-up bonus comprehensive brand messaging playbook $3,000 value
  • lock Flexible billing guarantee: Manage billing and payments through your Stripe portal. Pause or cancel anytime.
  • lock Auto-pause guarante: Never be charged for an unused subscription

“Build an audience for your technology solution”

Using a blend of brand/positioning strategy, content marketing, and intelligent outreach, establish your solution as the go-to for a new audience and get new customers. For a detailed walk-through and deck, book a meeting. This program requires a 6-month commitment and is purchased quarterly.

The 6-month growth program
Remap Growth System
$4,000 per month
Book a meeting
  • check Get a high-value BizDev program. You get a long-term lead generation system based on our unique, technology-savvy approach to content marketing, distribution, and business development innovation; the value of your business will increase.
  • check High-strategy, low risk. Leverage your market, industry, and client knowledge and avoid burning bridges and damaging relationships
  • check Mostly done-for-you. You will work with us to co-create and co-design your lead generation system, but your time/effort commitment is low
  • checkAll included. Enjoy the benefits of Remap Growth Strategy and Remap on Demand.
  • starBonus: RevOps AI Diagnostic. Get a comprehensive assessment of how to build Gen AI into sales, marketing, and customer success $900 value
  • lock Results guarantee: Your growth system is guaranteed to generate new marketing qualified leads within four months or the final month are free.
  • lock You own the keys: Zero lock-in, every account and resource comprising your Remap growth system is owned by you.
“Rowan gave us exactly what we we’re looking for – efficiently and expertly. I would recommend him highly for a fresh look at your positioning and marketing strategy!”
– Marc A., owner of software consulting firm

Get a senior B2B growth strategist on your team immediately

Scope of work provided by Remap on Demand

Ok. Who is it for? Read on below

Tech startups and tech-focused agencies and consultancies with a national or international audience

problems that overwhelm principals at agencies

We solve these problems

  • errorWithout a growth strategy, sales and marketing effort is largely wasted.
  • errorLack of alignment between growth strategy and offer, messaging, people, tools, and processes.
  • errorGenerative AI underused or misused, eg. to create poor marketing content
  • errorThe brand can’t tell its own story OR the stories of its audience
  • errorNo consistent messaging, storytelling, and talking points organization-wide
  • errorPrincipals lack time to focus on growth strategy

See solution scope and pricing

types of agencies and consulting firms that need on demand content and copyediting

For these firms

Best fit: B2B Tech Firms
  • check_circleB2B Tech startups
  • check_circleSoftware/SaaS firms
  • check_circleEnterprise tech firms intro’ing products
  • check_circlePlatforms and marketplaces
Also a good fit: Tech consultancies and agencies
  • check_circleData, cloud, cybersec consulting firms
  • check_circlePlatform solutions firms (eg. Salesforce partners)
  • check_circleEvolving digital marketing agencies
  • check_circleProduct (SaaS/Apps) development shops

Boost sales and marketing with strategic copywriting and content marketing

Scope of work provided by Remap on Demand

Who is Remap on Demand for? Read on below

Agencies and consultancies with an urgent need for quality content, copy, and communications

problems that overwhelm principals at agencies

We solve these problems

  • errorWithout timely and high-quality copy, firms miss opportunities to engage, recruit, and sell
  • errorBrand suffers from low-quality writing by junior staff/freelancers, AI, and content agencies
  • errorNo system to ensure that content, copy, and communications is on brand and aligned
  • errorIn-house marketers and creatives don’t get the nuances of software, data, and technology
  • errorHigh turnover of sales, marketing, and success staff fractures messaging
  • errorPrincipals lack time to focus on and disseminate the right messaging

See solution scope and pricing

types of agencies and consulting firms that need on demand content and copyediting

For these firms

Best fit: Agencies
  • check_circleFull-service digital marketing agencies
  • check_circleOutsourced sales and lead-gen agencies
  • check_circleSMMA, AMZ FBA, and other ad agencies
  • check_circleContent marketing agencies
Also a good fit: Consultancies
  • check_circleProduct (SaaS/Apps) development firms
  • check_circleBranding and UX/design firms
  • check_circlePlatform solutions firms (eg. Salesforce partners)
  • check_circleGrowth-focused data, cloud, cybersec consulting firms
“At first we thought we were just hiring a copywriter. But Rowan offers a very unique approach to copywriting that I have not come across. First and foremost, he has exceptional understanding and knowledge of the B2B marketing and advertising space. Rowan looks at the big picture”
– Bryan H., Owner of a sales and marketing agency, Miami, Florida

We use the playbook to deliver strategic content, advice, and marketing execution. It’s the foundation of all Remap services.

“Rowan was absolutely amazing in developing a messaging playbook for our new product launch – a deep strategic thinker!”
– Catherine L, Marketing Director at Morningstar Financial
How does it work – how do I get started?

First, complete a strategic discovery interview.

From there:

  1. Ask whenever you need something, linking us to relevant materials – articles, videos, your website, your presentation deck, Google Docs, datasets, designs, etc
  2. See our work or ideas, review, approve, or ask us for more – unlimited revisions and discussions
  3. Repeat

Participants in the “mostly done for you” growth program will be asked to make key decisions along the way but the engagement is also simple

Who are the copyeditors, content marketing experts, and strategists?

Client-facing work is done by Remap’s founder. Our team of advisors, virtual assistants, and our AI tools make the ship run smoothly but 100% of the work is done by yours truly, Rowan.

Why Remap – why not hire a traditional agency or full-time staffer?

A few reasons:

  • Hiring and onboarding delays: Hiring a senior copywriter or strategist means searching, interviewing, agreeing internally, contracting, onboarding, etc. Huge effort. With Remap, sign up online in a few clicks and get started right away.
  • Lower cost: on a monthly and especially on a yearly basis, it’s much more expensive to hire an FTE than to subscribe to Remap. Let alone to engage a traditional agency or consulting firm.
  • Cashflow flexibility: you can always pause or cancel Remap – with no notice. At any given point, your cashflow obligation is never more than zero. That’s it.
  • Less paperwork: engaging Remap is like subscribing to software, it’s a line-item expense and comes with hardly any accounting, tax, and HR paperwork.

Of course, whether these are problems for you depends on your specific situation. Remap isn’t for everyone.

What’s the difference between the things you sell?

They are similar in their goal – to help you grow your business. They differ in approach.

Remap Growth Strategy is a consulting retainer; it ensures you have the right strategy, positioning, people, processes, and tools in place.

Remand on Demand includes the consultative value of Remap Growth Strategy but adds in content and copy execution services. It provides the typical volume of work of a full-time employee, at expert-level quality.

Remand Growth System is the design, building, and execution of a “mostly done for you” lead generation system based in a unique kind of content marketing. It includes and builds on the packages above. To request a deck further explaining Remap Growth System, please book a meeting.

What’s the total time commitment like on our end?
Minimal – as little as 2 to 3 hours a week. But feel free to deepen the engagement on your end, especially on strategy work.
For Remap on Demand, what do you mean by “on demand” requests?

On demand means there’s no cap on the amount of work we deliver, or the time and effort we put into your business. However the one-at-a-time policy means that at most you’ll get 15 or so requests in per month, once you factor in holidays and weekends.

So the idea isn’t “all you can eat” – the idea is you get a consistent flow of high quality content and copy. Let us crush your most crucial, high-stakes, and urgent communication priorities.

How can Remap on Demand offer this much copywriting and content editing on-demand?

There are four main reasons why:

  1. This is the only deliverable we provide, allowing repeatability efficiencies – we keep delivery and communications dead simple. You can initiate requests by email or Trello, but all requests are managed to resolution in Trello.
  2. Less back-and-forth to get on the same page. Thanks to monthly strategy check-ins, an evergreen brand strategy playbook, and a rapid iteration process, we rarely need to plan/check with you – we just do the work, revising as needed
  3. We use AI to automate busywork and accelerate ideation (but never to write – see below)
  4. We have a one-request-at-a-time policy (with a max 2-day turnaround) – to be fair, this means it’s not technically “unlimited”. But on the other hand, there’s not arbitrary limit on the number of requests you make.
We’re an agency, can we use Remap on Demand for our client work? Can we white label it?

Absolutely, we can work on whatever client work you want! Use Remap to service 5, 10, 20 – as many clients as you want. As always, the one-request-at-a-time rule applies.

And yes, please whitelabel our work – slap your logo on it, resell it, whatever suits your business.

Wait – did you say no meetings?

Kind of. We think keeping delivery async saves both sides time, money, and an over-booked calendar. It also safeguards the precious driver of growth: momentum.

So we don’t do delivery, check-in, review meetings, or unscheduled meetings. There are no standing meetings. In fact, we mostly communicate is through async tools like Trello and Slack.

With that said, our work is strategic in nature, including the copywiting, content editing, and content marketing. Therefore live meetings have their place. Remap provides up to 2 live Zoom consultations a month. Additional consultations can be purchased separately.

So the only way you work is through subscriptions?

No, we also offer 4 single-purchase products (productized services), some of which come as free bonuses to subscriptions. Explore our products below.

  • Brand Teardown. Similar to a website teardown but more comprehensive, the brand teardown gives you a 360 snapshot of your brand’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. It also makes a tentative positioning recommendation. Purchase for $500.
  • RevOps AI Diagnostic. A thorough investigation of how your team uses AI, what opportunities are available and specific recommendations for how to achieve them. Includes a questionaire. Suitable for larger sales and marketing teams (5+). Purchase for $900.
  • GTM Marketing Plan. A carefully customized, high-level go-to-market (or “go-back-to-market”) marketing plan, with specific advise on strategy, people, processes, and priorities. Includes high-level budget and timeline recommendations. Includes a questionaire and one interview. Purchase for $1500.
  • Brand Messaging Playbook. A through strategic analysis of your ideal positioning and messaging, including sales messaging & talking points, content marketing strategy, and more. Includes a questionaire, interview, and walk-through. Purchase for $3000.