Art of Message
Art of Message – June 15, 2023
Pre-alpha release of message maps
Lately on this list and elsewhere I’ve been speaking of:
- the value of personalized follow up questions
- garbage-in/garbage-out in generative AI
- trying to “see” the buyer more deeply
- chatgpt in our apps, not the other way around
And generative AI as the user interface for … pretty much everything.
It’s all connected to message maps, much of it directly.
Which I’m pre-releasing part of today!
I’m not releasing the full tool today but I am sharing its AI-assisted discovery interview – the part that mines your mind for overlooked diamonds in the rough. When burnished and set on the right showcase, such diamonds capture attention.
If you’d like to try to uncover one, reply and let me know – I’ll send an invite code to let you try it out free and set you loose to ‘mine your mind’.
And offer some feedback for me of course (:
The message above comes from…
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