Welcome to Your Message Map!

Our goal is that your map will make selling simple and help you increase revenue.

Your message map has three parts:

Need help?

Dm me on Slack or email at rowan@messagemaps.io

Discovery Interview

An in-depth investigation of your market, your buyers, their problems, your solution, and more. Every interview is unique.

Completion/review time: 1 hour
Discovery Interview check_circle

An in-depth investigation of your market, your buyers, their problems, your solution, and more. Every interview is unique.

You're done - nice work!!
Brand Strategy

Refine your positioning, understand your buyers, your brand personality, and your core messages and value propositions

Review time: 5-15 minutes
Brand Strategy

Refine your positioning, understand your buyers, your brand personality, and your core messages and value propositions

Review time: 5-15 minutes
Messages that Sell

Transform discovery and strategy work into messages that sell - sales talking points, pitch decks, marketing copy and more.

Review time: 5-15 minutes
Refresh your report

Quick Analysis

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Section with most engagement:
Section with least engagement:
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Add to your strategy

Submit your interview to save a copy to your profile and get your Brand Strategy. You can come back anytime to revise your interview.

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Get insights from your sales calls and other conversations

By adding transcripts from your sales calls, demos, presentations, or just internal huddles and team meetings, you have the opportunity to glean valuable insights and add them to your message map - both to your brand strategy and messaging.

How do I do it? There are four ways.

  1. Copy and paste transcripts (fastest and least error prone)
  2. Upload the audio file (flower and more error prone)
  3. Enter a URL to your audio file, e.g. to a Zoom audio recording (slowest and most error prone)

What should I upload?.

  1. Copy and paste transcripts (fastest and least error prone)
  2. Upload the audio file (flower and more error prone)
  3. Enter a URL to your audio file, e.g. to a Zoom audio recording (slowest and most error prone)

Add this to my strategy

Step 1: Confirm the Positioning Strategy

Let's get the positioning strategy right first - then move on to the rest of the brand strategy. Toggle guidelines

Guidelines The positioning strategy doesn't need to work as marketing copy, it's for you and your team to be clear on direction.

However, it should make sense to your buyer if they read it.

It should mention your buyer and at least allude to their specific problem you solve. It should also have your most important value proposition.

Other good qualities: problem-solution oriented, clear and non-promotional language, making convincing comparisons with competitors (without naming any).

If it's close, revise and confirm. If it's way off, you might need to go back to the discovery interview and spend more time writing, the generate a new positioning statement.

Positioning Strategy
Step 2: Confirm Remaining Brand Analysis

Below we've analyzed additional parts of your brand - review for accuracy and contribute nuance and insight.

Brand Analysis
Step 3: Complete and Confirm Brand Strategy

Confirm both that your positioning strategy and other aspects of your brand strategy is accurate. This is important as it will be used to help you quickly intelligent sales and marketing assets.

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Brand Strategy
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Get consulting team feedback

Approve to save a copy to your profile and start generating sales and marketing assets. You can always come back to the brand strategy to revise your answers.

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Brand Assets for Sales and Marketing

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Any special requests? Please let me know with a DM on Slack or by email at rowan@messagemaps.io